Friday, April 22, 2011



我想起了在Life Skill Group的那段时光,在那里碰见了LS和A。如果按一般人的理解,LS不会来这种地方,因为LS的专业就是心理学。A更是一般人会羡慕死的,她母亲是一家公司的董事,父亲是教授,她当过F1的模特,接受过Channel 5的采访,还拍过广告。按道理讲,她们俩个人没有来这里的理由。


Monday, April 11, 2011



春 天的柳絮,秋天的落叶。在一瞬间,我的捕捉到了这种藏在心里说不出的感觉。我的朋友说春天的柳絮在心中代表着浪漫、自由、热情,有种新的开始的感觉。让 我不禁想起了上小学的时候要死记硬背每篇课文的中心思想。如果没有亲身感受到这种感觉,那的解释对我而言就只是一个简单的“中心思想”而已。




Sunday, April 10, 2011

A beautiful from high school musical. Rewatching the movie now.

Vanessa Hugens is so lovely.

Fighting spirit? No. It's about something else.

In one interesting conversation between T and I, he asked me about how I face stronger opponent. My answer was"Attack, attack, and attack. Even I will be thrown hundred times." He said:" Why don't you just lying down there so that you will be thrown less?" The underlying reason is when I got thrown more by stronger opponent, I can have a nature feeling of his techniques. Experiencing the nature feeling more will create a build-in reacting mechanism inside my brain. Thus I don't need to think about how to defense. I will be able to sense it. And I have experienced so many times of this build-in sensitivity. It comes so nature that my mind, body, and technique have become one. In Chinese, they call this 心技一体. The feeling is without thinking, I just know how to do it naturally. No wonder it is said practice makes perfect.

This is my little conclusion of last week's thoughts. I guess I will meet Y and share the feeling. So excited to learn from him about crying for Autumn leaves.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dragon Dream

Had a strange dream: I was in an island located at the south of Singapore. This island is belong to Malaysia and is much larger than Singapore. On the island, there are full of white color castles. I was walking inside one castle and reached a tower. It is like playing an arcade game. And the boss is a big blue color dragon. The strange part is unlike an arcade game that the player meets the boss in a certain open area, I triggered something and the blue dragon found my position, and headed directly to me. The dragon put its head inside the tower and the fight began. .....................Then I woke up. It was so strange. It is said dream represent subconscious. What did the dream mean?

Sunday, April 3, 2011


今天下午L问了我一个问题:"秋天来了,看到落叶,你会哭么?"当我听到这个问题的时候我觉得很奇怪,第一反应是我看到秋天的落叶会回想起往事,但是我不会只因为看到秋天的落叶就会哭泣。相反的是,L说看到秋天的落叶他会哭的。 这只是今天下午L和我谈话中的一段,就是这小小的一段对话,让我发现了人与人之间的思维是多么的不同。当然,我只是理解到了L和我的思维是多么的不同,我并没有感受到他的思维,因为我是在用我的思维去理解他。 L 是一个很感性的人,他更多地是用一种感觉去体会身边的人、环境、社会。当他喜欢一样事物是因为他就是喜欢,当他悲伤的时候那是因为他觉得悲伤。他有一种悲 天悯人的情怀。在我和他对话时我发现他是在用心去感觉,用心去体会,没有去追寻事物的起因和结果,只是简单地去感受,去满足情感。 和他不 太一样,我是一个比较理性的人,我有一种天生的好奇心,与L不同的是当我在看一样事物、一个人的时候,我会进行拆解,然后分析每一个方面。所当我看到一个 现象时,我会先问"Why?"最能让我高兴的是从不同角度不同方面去分析事物进而掌握本质的规律,因为这满足了我的好奇心。 从今天下午L问的一个简单的问题,我了解了很多,原来人与人之间的思维方式是很不一样的,如果想做到理解他人,不仅要了解自我的思维方式,更要去了解他人的思维方式。