Monday, November 29, 2010

People who changed my life

1984 My mummy and daddy, they gave me birth.
1997 Miss Laura Hou, she called me "Richard"
2000 Miss Qiu, she helped me through my senior high school
2003 Miss Heather Bowden, her smiles encouraged me
2004 Ho's family, they are my family in Singapore.
2010 Prof C H Ling, he point out the direction of my career
And in 2010 it is a heart who changed my life forever. I received a lot from this heart. However, I didn't give too much. The shortest distance is the distance between two hearts. The longest distance is the distance between two brains. The strangest distance is the distance between a heart and a brain. The heart and the brain are so close, but they are at different height. The brain is trying his best to fly high to reach the heart. The brain didn't realised that only heart can fly.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

8 years

Feel happy just now when I heard "Your mum's calligraphy is still hanged in my study room"

两天前给Heather打了电话,她刚从南京回来,现在她彻底退休了,她的儿子也快结婚了,她家要从墨尔本郊区搬到市里。喜欢听她的声音,她的声音里充满了鼓励。八年了,我八年没见到她了。说来真是奇怪,在上中学时见过不少外籍教师,像她这样又有教学能力又每天充满了笑容的只有她一个人。现在想起以前高中的生活太压抑了,作为学生的唯一目的就是把分数考高,没此都要听班主任和其他任课老师说形势多么多么的严峻,天天生活在这种压抑的环境下。唯独在她的课上,我能感受到鼓励,我记得她说过她给学生的Grade是"Good", "Great", 和"Excellent",她从来没说过指责的话。后来我请她到我家吃过两次饭,第一次是炒菜,第二次是饺子,她第一次来的时候很喜欢我妈妈的书法,第二次她来的时候我妈妈就送给了她一幅裱好的书法,她高兴的像个孩子一样。后来我来了这边我每年都给她打电话,后来有一阵她去南京教书了,我们只有用E-mail来联络。有一次,我发给她我的照片,她回复说:"Richard, if you are not thinner, you must be taller now."我看了她的回复后在那边大笑。现在她已经退休了,真想有一天去墨尔本看看她,她在教我的时候头发已有些发白了,想必我再见到她时她应该已是银发满头了。8年了,时间过得好慢,时间过得好快。

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Most Muahaha Conversation in Year 2010

M: OMG is that YOUR kid?

G: My JieJie's daughter. Her nick name is "the adorable girl".

M: ic ic

G: I know many people mistaken that she is my daughter. So I am planing to change my profile photo. The new photo will be me with another kid.

M: Meaning you have another kid?

G: Meaning I love kid.

M: Ooo then have your own

G: I think loving other people kids is the same. This is 博爱。

M: Muahaha yes you going to 四大皆空

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

实话实说 Tell it like it is



I am confident I will not never become them

No more "to be continued"

A even more lazy way of writing blog is to post some Youtube video. I am really lazy recently. Understand the society a bit more. I thought Jerry's TV program is not true. Now I realized that it is quite close to reality. It is just that in Singapore, the TV shows are not that straight forward.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I realized that confidence is not something I have to chase for. I just have to be confident myself.