It is kind of simple but strange way to waste time. What I did was using pen and ruler, drawing meshes with different geometries, and painting them in black and white. It was not difficult to do my painting style. Plus all the lines in my paintings are straight lines draw with ruler.
This kind of paintings represented my feeling of sorrow and pain in that first semester of my NUS journey. I forgot how I get over that feeling. However, I still remember the smile of Dr Roy. Although she has left NUS, I still recognize her as one of the most helpful people in my life.
That was a dark and down period of me. I was over stressed by all the modules in the first semester of NUS. I told my friend A that I really can't take it. One day, she sent me an e-mail saying NUS offer free counseling service to students. She also provided me the -mail of counseling. I sent an e-mail to them. Later they called me back. They arranged a meeting with me.
For everyone who was first went for counseling, signing an agreement with counseling center was the first step. I signed an agreement that I need help from counseling. The counselor that they assigned to me was Dr Roy. She was a
(To be continued...............)
wow,it is ur painting?are u freaking kidding me?it looks so professional(i've learnt painting for few years when i was a kid =D). at 1st,i thought u paint it with ur PC
Yes, it is my painting. In fact, it is not really a painting but just geometrical diagrams. Miss R paints much better than me.
You underestimate yourself by saying I draw better than you. These works are nice. I cannot do these paintings (seen some in your FB album) and it is unique to you. Each people have their own style and expression. You are creative and definitely not one-dimensional :)
What I like about drawing (I cannot paint with colours other than black btw) is that it's a good way to be productive without using the brains ;)
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