Hello. When you read this title, you must be wondering what A represents. In this article, A represents a secret mysterious person.
A, I know your bunny is lovely. I made a joke that its meat will be tasty. Don't worry, I won't eat it. I like to watch its lovely long ears. I know you like to secretly read other people's blog without writing any comments. But please, if you read my blog, you will be welcome to give any comments on my articles. Thanks for your corporation.
And by the way, you are the most beautiful person I have ever met in this world. Hahaha..........
Hahahah..Thanks for your compliment or was it meant to be a joke? Or do you mean my bunny is beautiful? ;p
No worries...I know you won't eat my bunny. Hee! Hee!
Been too busy to read or post..
The truth is you are beautiful. However, to be honest with you, I said compliment girls individually. They just didn't know I also compliment to others. Hahahah...
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