As the development of modern technologies, more and more semi-conductor based high tech products are being used in our daily life. Usually, the semi-conductor industry was called “Clean Industry”, because the products must be made in a professional clean house. However, most of these products are thrown after their life circle. Toxins in these trashes are normally lead, mercury, chromium, arsenide, and indium. As chemistry research showed, these elements are considered to be unhealthy for human. A Certain amount of these elements will cause serious diseases. This is the dark secret of the “Clean Industry”.
A computer may spend its working days in a comfortable office or in a computer lab. But the work behind most PCs is done in China. And most PC factories locate in the Pearl River Delta of Southern China. Unfortunately, this region has also become dumping ground for high tech trashes. In some cities of the region, cheap labors from country side are paid to open and sort the parts of different products like TVs, monitors, and keyboards. They burn cables to get copper. Air is polluted by burning plastic shield of the cables. They put the circuit boards and chips in acid to get gold. Then they will dump the acid into a nearby river. Soil and water are polluted by metal toxins.
Now it is the time for us to face the problem and stop this crisis in Southern China.
A computer may spend its working days in a comfortable office or in a computer lab. But the work behind most PCs is done in China. And most PC factories locate in the Pearl River Delta of Southern China. Unfortunately, this region has also become dumping ground for high tech trashes. In some cities of the region, cheap labors from country side are paid to open and sort the parts of different products like TVs, monitors, and keyboards. They burn cables to get copper. Air is polluted by burning plastic shield of the cables. They put the circuit boards and chips in acid to get gold. Then they will dump the acid into a nearby river. Soil and water are polluted by metal toxins.
Now it is the time for us to face the problem and stop this crisis in Southern China.
(Well, metal pollution is always a problem in this world. It remembers me a song:
No-one can destroy the metal
The metal will strike you down with a vicious blow
We are the vanquished foes of the metal
We tried to win for why we do not know